Seems fitting that the first pic I ever upload onto a blog should be of two great loves.....Andrea, our youngest, and our first grandchild, Gabriella, born May 28. Aren't they both simply beautiful?
Spent part of yesterday embracing, feeding and playing with Gabriella. She fell asleep in my arms. Is there anything more peaceful than the face of a baby at rest?
She's precious and sweet. God's grace personified. There I go, gushing again like a new grandmother.....
We bought plane tickets to visit our daughter and her husband in Portland, Oregon next month.
Now I know why air travel is down: we paid the awful sum of $940 on no-frills Southwest for three tickets from Southern California to Oregon. Not four tickets. Not traveling cross-country. Just three of us flying on odd days (Tuesday & Thursdays) along the West Coast.
Part of the cost......$175....was for federal, state and local surcharges, levies and taxes, including $10 each for some sort of federal terrorism prevention fee. Translation: additional taxes.
It's ridiculous. Guess we need to get more excited about local tourism.
Two neighbors figured out that I write political commentary during the week while sitting here in my home office, gazing out onto the front yard. They're not internet-savvy, but are intrigued the idea that I am.
And they're also intrigued at having their two-cents heard, which both differ from mine. So if I'm in the front yard pruning roses or fetching groceries from the car, they amble over to give me their viewpoint. They like me, and feel an urgent need to straighten me out. Make sure I've considered all the factors.
Just think......I hid my gig successfully from the neighbors for six months. I suppose I should celebrate that as a glass-half-full victory......
I don't post as often here as I once did. It's not out of lack of interest....I adore posting here. It's my true confessions....the real me.(Family even reads this to learn what's on my mind.)
It's just that, with my About.com gig plus normal reading habits, my reading stack is almost sky-high.
As most of you know, I'm usually reading two or three books at a time...different genres, different topics. Escapist fiction, often set in an exotic location...inspiration or theology....a political or business betseller...biographies, often of political leaders, past and present.
But it's the stack of stories here on my desk that overwhelms me. I never seem to catch up. Right now, at this very moment, here's the list of my to-read articles.....
- What Price Love? Museums Sell Out (New York Times)
- Here's a Social Security Plan that's Really Two Plans (again, NYT)
- Why Are There Four Gospels? (Koinonia House)
- It Takes a Pillage (from a fave political blog)
- Who Is Tom Vilsack? (some political site)
- Ruling on Property Seizure Rallies Christian Groups (NYT from a week ago)
- Recipe for Greek-style orzo and shrimp salad (Splendid Table)
- Recipe for frozen tiramisu squares (Betty Crocker email)
- Recipe for pasta with zucchini, ricotta and basil (NYT)
Seriously! I need a vacation......maybe in Portland. :)
I tagged you for a meme just in case you are interested. :)
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