Deborah White is a journalist, blogger, and non-fiction writer with passion for books, culture, and the environment and beautiful outdoors. The grandchild of California Central Valley farmers, Deborah is especially interested in the joys and issues of food, cooking, and farming, and of addressing the dire impact of climate change on people, places, and wildlife.

At The New York Times/, she was writer, blogger, editor and digital content manager for nearly a decade. At The New York Times/, she penned about 2,500 articles, and was often linked to by top press including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, The Economist, CNN, The Atlantic Wire, Google News, Daily Beast, Huffington Post, and Wikipedia.

In May 2022, Deborah completed the inaugural post-graduate one-year certificate program in Climate Justice and Faith at Pacific Lutheran Seminary, located on UC Berkeley's campus. For her capstone project, she wrote a two-part curriculum to educate on the Christian responsibility to care for planet Earth, and Five Steps to a Personal Action Plan.

Deborah is an active member of the Episcopal Church's Creation Care Caucus and of the Church's Province VIII Creation Care Task Force.

 Deborah is also a member of the Nevada State Democratic Party Central Committee and the Washoe County Democratic Party Central Committee. In 2020, Deborah was elected as Delegate from Reno, Nevada to a two-year term to  the Nevada state Democratic Convention.

Deborah was publicly elected in 2011, 2009 and 2007 to serve two-year terms as delegate to the California Democratic Convention, where she was a member of the Labor, Women’s, and Progressive caucuses.

Before turning to nonfiction and journalism as second career, Deborah was a CPA and financial consultant for twenty years in California, including a decade with Arthur Andersen and Co. She earned a B.A. in nonfiction writing from University of California, Los Angeles, and an MBA from California State University, Long Beach. 

Deborah White founded and operated several small businesses, including an early “” startup retailer of gourmet foods. She instructed undergraduate business courses at three California public universities.

Deborah was a lifelong resident of greater Los Angeles until moving to Reno, Nevada in 2019.  She's married to Ron for more than thirty years, the mother of three, stepmother of one, mother-in-law to three, grandmother of three, sister, aunt, great-aunt, and doting mom of an adorable dachshund. Her favorite pastimes include reading, cooking, an spending time in the great outdoors, particularly at nearby Lake Tahoe. 

Reach Deborah White at, or join the discussion at Deborah White on Facebook ( 

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