Friday, August 11, 2006

Eat Birthday Pie Every Chance You Get!

Today is Andrea's 15th birthday. After our recent sad losses, it's a double-pleasure to celebrate such a joyous occasion.

I treated her to lunch out at the local eatery of her choice, followed by a trip to the Jewelry Mart, where she selected a pretty bracelet as her birthday gift. Tonight, she continues in our church drama department's family-friendly production of Grease, and afterwards, we're hosting friends for a birthday dessert party at Marie Callendar's Pies.

Andrea is a lovely and sweet young woman, and one of God's great blessings in our lives.

While I never preach living just for today, recent losses of loved ones reminds me again that God never promises tomorrow to us.

Eat birthday pie, and honor a loved one, every chance you get!

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